Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays to All!

The Holiday Season will hopefully provide you with some extra time to think and plan for the upcoming year. The typical hustle and bustle can be draining as we prepare to get together with family and friends. It is at the same time very enjoyable and very stressful. There really is no better time than getting together with loved ones, sharing a hearty meal and good drink, exchanging gifts, reminiscing about days gone by and those that have passed on, and remembering in our thoughts, prayers and giving those less fortunate.

Making a move to a new home, lifestyle and even location can also be exciting but taxing. In reality, it is not so much the end result that proves difficult, but the process of getting from point A to point B. There is just a lot to think about and do in order to move from a current residence to a new home. We hope that you may learn from many Jensen residents what we hear so very often, “we wished we had made the move sooner”.

Optimistically, you will enjoy some time to think and or discuss your aspirations for the upcoming year. Conversations with our spouse, close family and friends can be a good way to help focus retirement plans and even learn about how others feel about making a change or have made the move. Due to the economy, we are finding more people talking about how to reposition their physical and financial assets in pre-retirement planning. Many also want buy-in from “the children” but of course are very much in control of their own decision making.

The New Year will provide another clean slate and fresh start. From all of us at Jensen communities®, we hope that you dreams do come true and are here to help that happen. Our staff is always ready to assist you to find a home and community to fits the lifestyle of your choice.

Get in on the Good Life!®
