Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Encouraging Signs for a Brighter New Year!

For too many people 2009 was a dismal year. That was especially true for those forced to sell a home in the toughest market in decades.

I for one do not want to see a return to the "irrational exuberance" of an out of out of control real estate market. While most of the East Coast did not see the wildness of the CA, AZ, NV or FL markets, going up or down too far and too fast always creates problems in the long run. "Moderation in all things" is one of my mantras.

At Jensen communities we are encouraged by more phone calls, emails, written inquiries and site visits to our sales centers. The number of buyer deposits is on the rise and prospective buyers are more positive about moving forward. Confidence that one is making the right decision is more important than ever.

The $8,000 new home buyer tax credit was a big hit and helped make sales that otherwise might not have happened. The extension and expansion of the credit through the beginning of 2010 and to also aid any buyer of a primary home ($6,500 credit), should keep new buyers joining the ranks of homeowners and allow others who qualify to move up the ladder with a little incentive and bonus.

I was reading a blog the other day that suggested that people need to buy for the right reasons (i.e. "to provide shelter, create a refuge, and make memories"). More people are soberly making new housing choices but this should not take the fun out of the process or the end result. One's home should always be a comforting and enjoyable place to be. One pleasure in making the right decision however (buying a house within your means) should be the peace of mind that comes with sound financial planning.

Wishing you the best in 2010 and inviting you to visit any and all of our 28 communities along the Eastern Seaboard.

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